Saturday, September 02, 2006

Something to ponder upon- Gandhi to the rescue

I am sure that each one of us has, at least once, eaten the orange bar which the ice-cream hawker used to sell on the roads. Though the technology used to make the orange bar, the ice-cream hawkers and the way it is sold has changed, but what has not changed is the orange bar itself, our likeness for it and the way we eat it. We tear off the wrapper, wonder where to start from, once started gulp it down and finally throw the stick, which was holding the ice-cream firm on itself.
The exact same thing happens when, like an orange bar, some sugar coated truth is presented to us and the truth is left untouched. One of the many instances of the same is when our creative master-minds try to present the truth in the form of a movie. They try to coat the truth nicely with sugar, to the best of their abilities, so that at least some taste of what has been presented to the viewers remains with them after they leave the hall. However, what happens is well known to us - superficial things discussed, songs enjoyed, numerous felicitations and awards conferred upon. But what is not pondered upon is the real thought and the deep meaning associated with each one of the movies.
The most recent example is of the sequel of the block buster movie Munna-bhai MBBS, Lage Raho Munna Bhai. The movie has highlighted certain issues which, every Indian also feels, have faded with the times. The movie has tried to bring forward the beliefs which were once stressed upon by the one person to whom we owe our independence to, Mahatma Gandhi. Speaking the truth, following a non-violence way to get your things done, respecting others and above all, keeping patience are some of the great thoughts that the Nation’s Bapu felt strong about and advocated to people. He rightly said, “It is easy to hurt someone, but what is not easy is to ask for forgiveness.” According to him, it is easier to understand your responsibilities than to shoulder them.
I feel the movie has come at a very right time - just ahead of the Mahatma Gandhi’s 137th Birth Anniversary. Rather I would say that the producers have been intelligent enough to place it in front of the Indian audience at the right time, just to see if their efforts bear fruit.
Finally, I hope that we try to understand the real essence of the artistic presentation, and that this October 2nd is not celebrated just as any other holiday is, but is the beginning of something different.

(Original Blog @